Tuesday, June 12, 2007


E v o k e

The day I was born, that doomed day of severance

I opened my eyes n cried out with fear

Alas I am still here away from my dear,

I was made a part of this celebration,

Nothing else but a lifelong nightmare.

My names, aims, goals and games

All were set and I was made a player

I was taught all the wrong things,

Cheated every step but somehow told it was all fair.

Years passed by, I grew up, to be a part of the herd,

Which had no sense of belonging, offered no sense of care

But somehow I was wandering and addressing my presence

Only to be totally lost and unaware

My unconscious conscious had been trying to awake,

But it was not allowed and was not spared

I had grown into this man who was liked by all

But what a lie it was, such a betrayal

With a vague vision and a half hearted effort

I tried best to break free and come out of this prison

But I was locked in and made to enjoy only to my despair

My actions were impure and thoughts were poisoned

My will was weak and my strength was frail

But then I found the holy names of Krishna

Krishna it was, not just a name, he himself was there

I followed the lead of a few good men

They filled me with courage and asked me to apprehend

My thoughts, my senses, my will and my existence

Now I try again to reach a goal

One destination, one place- back home.

But I still am weak and I need some help

To be on the other side and to leave this hell

I need to chant, I need to hear

The holy names, the fames and forms of hari,

Who resides within and who wants us to dare

He's waiting for us, if only we care

True love, ecstasy, bliss and knowledge

Just a few of the gifts on offer for grab

My focus is weak, my senses are strong

Time to wake up, have had a long nap

You're my father, my guide, my master,

I am such a loner so I also need you as my friend

Reside in my thoughts, O Hari and help me fight,

The demons of ignorance and replace this darkness with light.


Amala said...

huhhh...is it ur work.....u crafted our real position in words that i remember narotaam das thakur's songs.....

Soldier Sage said...

Hey Hari Hari !!

Ya.. this is my own work.

I wrote this way before i had read any books other then some small books by Srila Prabhupad ! I wrote this in May of 2006 and was even asked to present this at a youth program in Summer Hills.

here are few more from my dandavats posts..


Aspiring to become a humble servant
Hare Krsna

Anonymous said...

Extremely good work,Very original and straight from the heart.Keep it up.Why have you stopped writing?
Hare Krishna.